Stuff that will put me on a list for googling about

You think Epstein’s was faked? You ain’t seen nothing yet

CW: Suicide is brought up a lot.

Seeing that Ghislaine Maxwell has been apprehended and will soon “commit suicide” reminded me of Epstein and his “suicide”. It seemed so obvious to everyone that his death was not self inflicted and there was so much internet rage at it. Like it was so sloppy, how could they expect people to believe what they where telling us. But what it reminds me of is that shit like this happens all the time and nobody bats the eye. The one example I’m always reminded me is 10000 times more sloppy than Epstein’s and of course no one gives a shit. I am of course talking about the Red Army Faction and Death Night.

Context is of course important. Red Army Faction was a far left militant group during the cold war. They robbed banks, set off bombs and shot people. Most famous for the kidnapping and killing of  Hanns Martin Schleyer, funny that no-one mentions the fact he was a former SS officer. Good Riddance. But I am not discussing that. I am of course instead talking about the alleged group suicide of its leadership, known as Death Night(not a very creative title). The leaders where Jan-Carl Raspe,Gudrun Ensslin,Irmgard Möller,Andreas Baader.

The story goes as such. On 17 October 1977 all of them killed themselves in prison. They had all made a suicide pact and ended their lives as they had no way to escape. Simple? Makes sense? Of course it does, before you look into it. Let us start with the broad stuff that applies to all of them. Baader and Raspin shot themselves(in prison), Möller stabbed herself repeatedly in the chest but lived and Ensslin had hung herself in her cells. They where all found in their cells on 18 October with Möller and Raspin still alive and were rushed to hospital. Möller was the only one to survive. First thing that should be noted is Möller has always maintained that she did not attempt to kill herself, that she was attacked and that there was no suicide pact. Not damning of course, people can lie, but starts setting of alarms bells of course.

Now how did Raspin and Baader shoot themselves? Well they smuggled in guns of course through their lawyers. But due to the Kontaktsperre rule they shouldn’t have been able to meet their clients since the 6th of September of the same year. This was a communication ban meant that they where unable to meet anybody and were unable to get post, newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. Remember they are in prison and would be searched regularly enough. So did they contain the guns up their arses? Maybe.

Now let’s say they had these guns. Now Baader shot himself in the neck at the base with it travelling out his forehead. Reported test’s have proved it is next to impossible for this to happen. Now three bullets where found in his cell. Meaning he shot two shots that weren’t targeted at him. The official reasoning? They where shots to signals to others. The only problem with this? The cells where soundproofed and they knew this. So another magic bullet and two misfires which where signalling shots that couldn’t have been heard. Not only that Baader had powder burns on his right hand despite being left handed, tho some people do shoot guns with their non dominant hands, but Raaspe had no powder burns despite having shot himself.

The guards on the wing were changed out, which normally never happens and those that where there reported no strange sounds. Well of course they didn’t the cells were soundproof. So either the cells were soundproof and there was no way they could have heard the suicide, but then that disproves the warning signal lie or they could hear noise but the guards didn’t hear anything suspicious like idk multiple gunshots? Maybe these are all a series of incredibly crazy coincidences. Or maybe we choose the obvious answer. Now we get to the real meet. Why are they so sloppy?

Why are world governments and other groups so shite at their job? Because they know you won’t do shit. The rich and their ilk can openly run pedo rings and be corrupt because they know we won’t do shit. They’ll bomb Afghanistan for 19 years and they know that we all know they should pull out but like we’ll do something. I mean what are we going to do? More capitalism or maybe diet capitalism? I mean diet capitalism is better for us i suppose but still fucks over the rest of the world. Next week we’ll be told Ghislaine Maxwell was found hung from her sell clutching a suicide note stating that she was murdered and nothing will happen.They could kill 100000 people in prison by having them shoot themselves 8 times in the back of the head and do it calmly because they know you will just sit back and say we can’t do anything except vote between the blue capitalists, the green capitalists, the dark green capitalists and maybe the reformist socialists. Because after all is said and done you won’t do anything, will you?