Politics? Stuff that will put me on a list for googling about


The world seems pretty shit right now. Riots in the streets across the world, fascism is rising and of course Covid has killed over 1 million people. And then we have to deal with the shit fucking economy. Like the moment we leave Covid the world will go into the greatest economic depression we will have ever seen, at least in my opinion. Really sucks doesn’t it.

Well have no fear my friends. For this will go well do not fear. For when shit hits the fan what happens? well we enter a well known historical era called “The cool zone”. Former cool zones can be seen in the 1920s, the 1960s. Such as the Bolshevik revolution, Chinese revolution, Irish revolution and following civil war, the Cuban revolution and of course the Zapatistas revolution. “But Shergar” I hear you cry, “There is no more revolution, history ended with the collapse of the soviet union, now we will just suffer forever while voting in social democrats”.

Well that’s where you’re wrong. There are revolutions throughout the world tho you will never hear about them(I wonder why). For example (Yakos world plays) ELN in Colombia, FARC dissidents in Colombia, Zapatistas in Mexico, Popularly revolutionary group in mexico, The NPA in the Philippines, The Naxalites in india, the PKK in turkey, the TKPML in turkey, the PFLP in Palestine, the PPP in Palestine, the PPSF in Palestine, the DFLP in Palestine, the YPG in Syria, the BFL in Venezuela, the NDAA in Myanmar, CPE-Red Sun in ecuador, the PLA in Columbia, the ALO in Afghanistan and C(M)PA in Afghanistan. To name a few(yes that is an incomplete list).

There is plenty of revolution throughout the world. And with the coming bad times, there will be a massive upsurge in good times. Yes of course struggle is bad. But the aftermath of the coming struggle will be a better brighter future for us and our children and grandchildren. We will struggle, we will suffer but we will succeed. They thought it was the end with 1991 and the Chinese capitalist roaders seizing control(with the petulant neo fascist that is Deng Xiaping). But they didn’t know that it was only the beginning

They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds.